Myofascial Release, namely the John Barnes approach of mfr, rather than forcing tissues with brutalising tools or aggressive techniques, instead involves delivering sustained moderate pressures, waiting at collagenous barrier restrictions with appropriate time given to facilitate change. Having personally felt the benefits of receiving mfr for my old injuries, I have found this method to yield the most repeatedly effective results!
In simple terms - Slower works deeper. Working too rapidly sends the body into a protective mode which increases tension. Current scientific research has magnified and observed the intrinsic connection of the fascial network throughout our entire bodies down to cellular level. The anatomy text books, we all have access to currently, are in need of revision! Restrictions in the fascial system can cause crushing pressures on pain sensitive structures, leading to pain, dysfunction, and pathologies. In 'restricted' tissues, nutrients and metabolic 'waste' products fail to efficiently flow to their intended destinations. Imagine trying to pour glue through a fine mesh sieve! Watch below as the John Barnes approach of myofascial release is demonstrated alongside updated Scientific findings! |
As a trained John F Barnes MFR Therapist, I will work with you to assess postural alignments and functional mobility. After further soft tissue assessment a range of mfr 'hands on' techniques are then applied to deliver adaptive and sustained pressures of 5 minutes or more, to facilitate change and pain reduction. Myofascial Release treatment, combined with self mfr, can authentically facilitate a return to health, vitality and mobility. Injury recovery, healing and rehabilitation from physical and emotional trauma can be significantly impeded if myofascial restrictions are left untreated. If postural (positional) and structural misalignments take root in our bodies, the targeted benefits of strength & conditioning training could fail to progress as efficiently as expected! Regading self myofascial release, thrashing around wildly on a foam roller, bullying restrictions and adhesions, often yields limited benefits! Self myofascial release treatment is encouraged. Listen into your 'stuck' areas, apply focused pressures patiently and wait at the restricted barrier until softening or release is felt. The softer style mfr/pilates balls and softer foam rollers are best for self mfr work! As releases occur the soft tissues become softer and more pliable. Often, during the 'routine' treatments of hands on bodywork therapies, only the surface 'elastin' tissues are engaged. The resulting therapeutic benefits will mostly likely be of a temporary nature. The broad ranging benefits of John F Barnes approach MFR delivers sustained results. Current and ongoing Scientific inquiry into the 'how' the JFB MFR approach techniques work continues. MRI scans, for example, are not able to image fascial restrictions. |